Have You Hit A Brick Wall With Your Network Marketing Company?
If you are a network marketer and have hit a brick wall within the industry and you are considering quitting or have a problem with your company then hold that thought. Ask yourself why do you want to build a business? Are your lack of results entirely your fault? Are you not generating quality leads? Are you really putting forth the effort and time to build a business? Are you confident with your product, compensation and your field leadership. Is your up line helping you or are you pretty much on your own? If you can answer these questions honestly and still want a change then consider contacting me and see if I can help you.
Big Money Free Time Will Reopen Briefly. Don't Miss It !
Great Googley Moogley! I just got the info straight from the horses mouth. David Ledoux is going to reopen BigMoneyFreeTime for about an hour on Thursday. They cleaned up the dups (1 lady had ordered 6 memberships!) and got everything sorted out.
Go now to Big Money Free Time and get on the early bird list. Watch for an email from David on Thursday morning with the link details, and for heaven's sake don't mess around, get in!
Do it now, see you in BMFT!
Go now to Big Money Free Time and get on the early bird list. Watch for an email from David on Thursday morning with the link details, and for heaven's sake don't mess around, get in!
Do it now, see you in BMFT!
Buying Leads Can Be Like Cutting Holes In Your Pockets But There Is An Alternative
If you are a network marketer and have purchased leads then you know by now that it can be very challenging and can really put a strain on you financially. Out of every 100 leads that you call you might sponsor a couple of them if you're lucky. Many lead companies sell their leads over and over again and those "fresh leads" are quite often not as fresh as you think. They claim that their screening is good and the questions they ask in the end are really not very relevant because the lead is a dud to begin with. I am sorry but most leads are really bad and you're wasting hundreds of dollars on them. If you are having tremendous success with leads then please keep doing what works for you. There are good and rotten lead companies out there so do your homework if you're going that route.
If you want to connect with people that have more in common with you then you should consider Anne Sieg's The Renegade Network Marketer where you will create your own free leads for your business and get some of the best practical information within the Renegade System. You can no longer rely on family and friends and who wants to go down that road again. The Renegade Network Marketer back office has some incredible features and links so you can add multiple streams of income to your business to help with your advertising and it basically becomes "seed" money. This is only for those that are serious about building a network marketing business and really want to do it right.
You can also pickup a free copy of the controversial report
"The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing" over at Expert MLM . This is a great read and eye opener for anyone that is getting started or is a seasoned networker.
Andrew Murphy
If you want to connect with people that have more in common with you then you should consider Anne Sieg's The Renegade Network Marketer where you will create your own free leads for your business and get some of the best practical information within the Renegade System. You can no longer rely on family and friends and who wants to go down that road again. The Renegade Network Marketer back office has some incredible features and links so you can add multiple streams of income to your business to help with your advertising and it basically becomes "seed" money. This is only for those that are serious about building a network marketing business and really want to do it right.
You can also pickup a free copy of the controversial report
"The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing" over at Expert MLM . This is a great read and eye opener for anyone that is getting started or is a seasoned networker.
Andrew Murphy
Virtual Assistants Make Your Life Easier

Our time is so valuable these days that we can never seem to fit everything in so along comes a virtual assistant to help ease your pain and suffering. Become more productive and hire a pro to help you.
Welcome to my Virtual Office. My name is Vicky. I have been doing Administrative work like Data Entry, Customer Service, Documents, Research and more for about 7 years part time until 2007, when I decided to go full time. My office is in Oregon and takes care of clients from around the globe. Thank you for stopping by. Let me know what results I can get for you today.
Virtual assists are becoming very popular to keep your small business on track and moving forward. It's all about being productive these days.
Internet Marketing With David Ledoux

This is a great article by my fellow Canadian David Ledoux who is also the creator of his latest venture http://bigmoneyfreetime.com
An Internet Marketer Turns 12 by David Ledoux
I've been marketing on the internet since 1996. 12 long human years, and it feels like a century in web years.
That means I'm old...real old. I can pull my green checkered pants up high on my chest, tighten my white leather belt, adjust my bifocals and yell at you kids to get off my lawn!
Back in 1996, we didn't have Adobe Acrobat. In my opinion the ability to create a digital product that no one could mess with changed the game forever. Before we had Adobe, we would email rich text files to people. Or Microsoft 2.0 Word Files. Or Old Wordperfect files.
And screw jobs would edit them, steal them and mess with them.
Piracy was rampant. People would steal your ebooks along with the dancing baby and spinning earth widgets on your website!
Everyone zoomed along with 2800 baud modems. But a few of us had vision. I remember in early 1996 I interviewed several millionaires on the telephone on a huge conference call. I had the audio cassettes transcribed by a local girl (there was no Elance in those
days!) and then given away on one of my earliest sites. More than 12,000 people downloaded that transcript in '96. Those were record numbers back then!
And then I broke new ground. A young upstart company called Real Audio had a program to convert a sound file into an audio file that could be streamed over the "information super highway". That's what we called the Interweb back in my day.
We had skinny little tubes that pushed data into people's computers. And Rob Glazer had figured out a way to do it with sound. By the middle of '97 I had several hours of streaming audio on my site. I was a pioneer!
It was easy to rank high on Alta Vista. That's what we used to call Google back in the day. Then that Wang kid started Yahoo. I phoned him in early '96 I think to get my site listed.
When a 14 year old John Reese invented the "automatic emailer program" back in '96 we used it to send email newsletters to our friends. This autoresponder-thingy gained steam when my friend Tom launched Aweber. I was one of their first 99 customers. I've been getting royalty checks from them for a decade!
The cool thing about email back in '96 was everyone read your stuff. People got so few emails back them, we'd get like a 99% open and read rate. People would actually thank you for emailing them!
Maybe it was the steady diet of awesome TV like Friends, Seinfeld and The Simpsons.
Ah, the good old days. Internet marketing was simpler back then. We walked to school 3 miles each way, barefoot uphill in snow, and we liked it! None of this fancy flash stuff, no YouTube, no wireless, no highspeed, voice-over-Magnum-PI, pay-per-tick, mumbo-jumbo. We made our money the old fashioned way online. We made 3 page static websites and sold them for five grand a pop....
Like any goldrush, the web back in 1996 was insane. There was a lot of money to be made selling donkeys, rope, pans, eggs, picks and shovels. Back then we'd sell the map to the gold mine and hungry marketers would pay us top dollar. Today these lazy Red Bull drinking kids want the map for free, the shovel for free, and someone to dig up the gold for them for free while they sit on their ever-widening behind playing Donkey Kong on their Wii!
You young interweb whipper-snappers listen up! Anytime you feel like complaining, remember this old coots words..."You ain't got no clue how easy it is getting rich on the internet today! Now get off my lawn...."
David Ledoux is a lifelong entrepreneur, author, speaker and trainer. He is the author of the best-selling books The Road To Gold, How I Went From Welfare To Millionaire Without Winning The Lottery, and The Ultimate MLMBlueprint. His popular training programs include How To Make A Whole Lot More Than $100,000 Per Year On The Internet, BigMoneyFreeTime, A Dream Come True, and Million Dollar Secrets.
He has been featured on video, radio and has traveled globally speaking to tens of thousands of entrepreneurs on the merits of the Free Enterprise System. He was named the #1 Trainer In The World in 2000 by MLMInsider Magazine.
David retired in 2005 at the age of 37 with his wife Falia to pursue adventures in mixed martial arts, travel, writing and coaching other entrepreneurs. Davids blog is at http://didyousmellthat.com
His new small business resource site is now live at http://bigmoneyfreetime.com
Internet Marketers This Is Your Wake Up Call
Internet entrepreneur and Canadian Author David Ledoux shocked a full house on an internet marketing conference call recently when he point blank said that “93% of internet marketers fail not because they don’t buy enough training, but because they fail to hire the right virtual assistants”. More info here that you'll want to take note of.
Advanced technology now allows anyone to find highly trained people that are faster and better than you are at getting tasks completed. You can hire these people that will work for less than you are and they love to complete the work that is tedious and time consuming for you.
Instead of competing with these people hire them to work for you.
Just over a week ago an interview took place where David Ledoux talked to a high profile virtual assistant Jeryl Massini. She runs the launches and is behind much of the work that Frank Kern produces including his recent launch, Mass Control Blitz. Jeryl has been working for Frank Kern for more than 4 years and knows the blueprints behind the most successful internet marketing launches ever.
In this no holds barred interview Jeryl reveals how to hire the best virtual assistants, fire the ones that you don’t like and how to create a great working relationship with all your members. You can get the download of this podcast and the transcript in a pdf at
This podcast is for you if you are wondering how Frank Kern can run his multi-million dollar empire and launch successful businesses routinely. This will shock you!
Advanced technology now allows anyone to find highly trained people that are faster and better than you are at getting tasks completed. You can hire these people that will work for less than you are and they love to complete the work that is tedious and time consuming for you.
Instead of competing with these people hire them to work for you.
Just over a week ago an interview took place where David Ledoux talked to a high profile virtual assistant Jeryl Massini. She runs the launches and is behind much of the work that Frank Kern produces including his recent launch, Mass Control Blitz. Jeryl has been working for Frank Kern for more than 4 years and knows the blueprints behind the most successful internet marketing launches ever.
In this no holds barred interview Jeryl reveals how to hire the best virtual assistants, fire the ones that you don’t like and how to create a great working relationship with all your members. You can get the download of this podcast and the transcript in a pdf at
This podcast is for you if you are wondering how Frank Kern can run his multi-million dollar empire and launch successful businesses routinely. This will shock you!
Why a Marketing System Is Crucial For Your Success
One of the most asked questions in the network marketing industry is “how do I contact more qualified people to view my business?” The real question should be is “how can I get more qualified people to contact me about my business.” For most people this is a strange question because they have never had anyone come to them asking to get started in their business. One of the best and most effective ways to do this is through a process called Attraction Marketing. You can utilize this business system to attract high quality people to you by offering free and paid useful information on how to effectively build a home based business. This is why a marketing system is crucial for your success.
-Andrew Murphy
-Andrew Murphy
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